======================PROTOCOLS_BINARY======================================= n States LSB LSB LSB_% S/N_dB DynRgn 2^n 1/2^n in ppm full scale Quantiz dB 0 1 1.000 i,ooo,ooo loo 1.76 O.OO 1 2 0.500 500,000 50 7.78 6.02 2 4 0.250 250,000 25 13.80 12.04 3 8 0.125 125,000 12.5 19.82 18.06 4 16 0.062500 62,500 6.25 25.84 24.08 5 32 0.031250 31,250 3.125 31.86 30.10 6 64 0.015625 15,625 1.5625 37.88 36.12 7 128 0.007812500 7,812.500 0.781250 43.90 42.14 8 256 0.003906250 3,906.250 0.390625 49.92 48.16 9 512 0.001953125 1,953.125 0.195312 55.95 54.19 10 1,024 0.000976562500 976.562 0.097656 61.97 60.21 11 2,048 0.000488281250 488.281 0.048828 67.99 66.23 12 4,096 0.000244140625 244.141 0.024414 74.01 72.25 13 8.192 0.000122070313 122.070 0.012207 80.03 78.27 14 16.384 0.000061035156 61.035 0.006104 86.05 84.29 15 32.768 0.000030517578 30.518 0.003052 92.07 90.31 16 65,536 0.000015258789 15.259 0.001526 98.09 96.33 17 131,072 0.000007629395 7.6´9 0.000763 104.11 102.35 18 262,144 0.000003814697 3.815 0.000381 110.13 108.37 19 524,288 0.000001907349 1.907 0.000191 116.15 114.39 20 1,048,576 0.000000953674 0.954 0.000095 122.17 120.41 Scale Offset Binary Two's Compl. One's Compl. Sign Mag. +FS-lLSB 1111... 1111 0111... 1111 0111... 1111 1111... 1111 +3/4 FS 1110... 0000 0110... 0000 0110... 0000 1110... 0000 +l/2 FS 1100... 0000 0100... 0000 0100... 0000 1100... 0000 +1/4 FS 1010... 0000 0010... 0000 0010... 0000 1010... 0000 +0 1000... 0000 0000... 0000 0000... 0000 1000... 0000 -0 ----... ---- ----... ---- 1111... 1111 0000... 0000 -1/4 FS 0110... 0000 1110... 0000 1101... 1111 0010... 0000 FS 0100... 0000 1100... 0000 1011... 1111 O1OO... 0000 -3/4 FS 0010... 0000 1010... 0000 1001... 1111 0110... 0000 -FS+1LSB 0000... 0001 1000... 0001 1000... 0000 0111... 0000 -FS 0000... 0000 1000... 0000 ----... ---- ----... --- ------------------------------------------------------------- Straight Binary or Natural Binary - A positive weighted code in which a number is represented by N= a0*2^0 +a1*2^1 +a2*2^2 +... an*2^n Each coefficient "a" has a value of 0 or 1. Data Converters use the fractional form of this code: N= a1/2^1 +a2/2^2 +... an/2^n ; 0 1 END AROUND CARRY OPEnATION ------- 00011011 l's complement binary subtraction doesnot require any borrows but does require an end-around carry. STANDARD SUBTRACTION 57_10 „ 30_10 = 27_10 00111001 -00011110 -------- =00011011 2s COMPLEMENT EQUIVALENT 100000000 - 00011110 -------- =11100010 TAKE 2's COMPLEMENT 00111001 +11100010 -------- =100011011 DROP ANY CARRY --------- 00011011 2s complement binary subtraction requires borrows but does not require an endaround carry.